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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

African men wake up to what your wives want you to start doing

Seated on the settee poring over the daily newspaper and occasionally glancing at
the wife, working herself to the bone, is the husband. Guilt tries to inundate him but brushing it aside he consoles himself: “After all housework is the preserve of woman.”

Housework, in all honesty, is believed by most husbands (read men) to be the sole responsibility of women.To many men there is no doubt who should do all the housework, even daunting chores, come rain come shine – woman.

The question rises: what is housework? Housework, according to an interviewee, is any work in the house that arises day after day. Examples of which are manifold and myriad.

Now, what causes most men (husbands) to have an acrimonious attitude when it comes to the issue of helping their wives? One Joseph Muthondio from Kenya puts it all down to culture.

He says that culture, African culture, inculcates into the minds of men the untoward belief that housework is for women and that they should avoid it like the plague. This African system of thinking teaches men and women alike that they each have their end of the rope to pull (no interchanging is allowed whatsoever).

So in this cocoon of ‘African setting’ the African man has little else to do but to parry every thought or opinion that infringes on what he knows to be true: his cast- iron convictions.

Similarly, Emmanuel Ntanga from Tanzania called it a major cultural prejudice, which many cultures in and around Africa embrace. Even with the advent of gender equality they still keep the hearth of prejudice stoked.

Though that be the case, many well meaning men fear what society will think of them if they ever start helping with housework. Some express the fear that all and sundry will point fingers at their wives accusing them of administering ‘Limbwata’ (kind of a love potion that puts the husband at the wife’s beck and call) to their husbands.

Consequently, sincere men, wanting to help out of the love they have for their wives, are barred to do what they believe they should by the opinionated attitudes of society.

This kind of view, as many men have opined, cannot fit in the mould of current family lifestyles especially in families where the man and woman are both breadwinners. Both of them leave for work in the morning and come back in the evening jaded to the bone.

If there is no househelp (read maid) then the onus of undertaking the household chores would be on the two. The argument here is that each is as tired as their mate.

So none of them has a better reason to rest while their mate does the work all alone.

But even then, there are some pieces of work solely for women; washing of nappies and diapers is like a no-go zone to men who do help their wives.

They say, “All others but not that one, dear. Please bear with me.”

Most women asked for their opinion about this issue really felt humbled by the fact that their husbands had the ‘guts’ to forsake their ‘rights’ as men and find it in themselves to help in the kitchen or elsewhere around the house.

As one put it, “My husband is such a sweet guy; he finds it in himself to help me at home. He even offers to make us a meal, more often than not.

“I cherish those times. I love him the more for this.”

Yet another one, whose husband thinks it taboo to help her at home, lamented, “To say the truth, I feel as if my husband doesn’t care about me. Though he loves me I would feel more ensconced in his love if he did help me.”

Martha Sechambo from Dar es Salaam, a town in Tanzania, sincerely feels that though men should help them but the help rendered should not be too much. Just light work would do.

The converse of this would be true if the wife is sick or pregnant. At such times the husband’s dignity would be on the line: How does he care for his wife at such times that she needs him most?

She continues to say that apart from relieving the wife of arduous chores, helping the wife also has a lasting positive effect on the husband – wife relationship.

Their well of love bubbles and runs over the brim. They are unified in their purpose and intent.

What is more, when the wife is relieved of some duties she’ll still be charged with vim and vivacity at the end of the day. This means she’ll not be too enervated for lovemaking.

Lovemaking is an involving exercise which needs extra energy, so what better way is there for saving energy than this time- proven method which is dual purpose: saves on energy; unifies the couple.

According to Martha, it would be utterly preposterous for the man to expect great lovemaking when his wife has been working herself to the bone throughout the day.

Though the ‘help -your -wife’ program is a passively opposed notion in present day society. Some men have decided to extricate themselves from the grips of ‘societal’ beliefs and have taken the mantle on their shoulders. They have decided to be true to their convictions.

One such man, who does help his wife, even with kitchen work, said that he sees it as no big deal. He said that need drove him to help his wife.

As both of them are involved in the economic stability of the home then all their efforts gravitate towards achieving their set goals. To achieve this then they feel it behooves them to bear each other’s burdens ranging from housework to a myriad more.

Many of the people who do not believe in the same try to discourage him but he parries their cynical remarks by this one line, “I am doing what I believe in.”

When he was a ‘novice’ in helping his wife he used to do it secretly to avoid a barrage of verbal and emotional outbursts from vitriolic critics of the same.

But he has since outlived his reservations.

In view of this, it’s time men outlived the view that they’ll seem inferior if they bend too ‘low’ and help their wives. Furthermore great men are viewed by how they treat their wives (how caring they are).

Cultural opinions that put limitations on men, dictating to them their areas of influence (especially concerning housework) should be reviewed and if possible discarded.

To sum up, let Gelett Burgess voice his mind: “If in the last few years you haven’t discarded a major opinion or acquired a new one, check your pulse. You may be dead.”

Ignorance keeps rearing its ugly head

The man who said: Ignorance is the primary source of all misery and vice couldn’t have said it better. Misery and vice are the sure daughters of a fling of ignorance.

It is heartbreaking to see people in their right senses wallowing in the miry bog of ignorance. It surely is saddening because this is the tattered state of our society.

In these dark days of Aids we cannot afford to throw caution to the winds and ignore the possible repercussions of our actions.

The decisions we make affect our present and shape our future. Decision is a force to reckon with.

So you can imagine how devastating the life is of one whose decisions are based on Ignorance.

What is ignorance?
Ignorance is absence of understanding. We fail to understand that in the fight against Aids many lives are at stake.

If we really understood then our behaviour would have changed long ago. We would be venting a virtual onslaught on Aids without reservations.

The value of understanding is worth everything we own; everything we ever wish to have.

Ignorance is a problem.
It has been a source of power for tyrants, dictators and despots. It has been the fuel of the engines of tyrants and dictators.

Ignorance is damn dangerous. Slavery got its strength from ignorance.

Those who enslaved people had one philosophy: don’t educate them. If you teach a person to read he will know what you know.

Knowledge is the enemy of ignorance.

Someone said, tongue – in – cheek , “if you want to hide something from a blackman, put it in a book.” Ignorance is the power of oppression.

If we let Ignorance light our path and guide us through life then we have a task master for a guide. Well grope around in the darkness that is its light.

That’s why it’s important to have our priorities carved in stone and be true to our convictions. Our number one enemy is ignorance.
Wake up Africa ! We cannot afford to sit down comfortably and belch, thinking all we have done is enough. It simply isn’t.

Aids is not playing games with anyone. Not even the high and mighty.

It is not joking. How tragic , then, that we joke with our precious lives as guinea pigs in ludicrous experimentations.

Ignorance in this matter is tantamount to visiting suffering unto ourselves and families. This is not only avoidable but cruel.

A heavy gust has been blowing from the west bringing western cultures with it. Cultures that don’t give a hoot about conventional moral codes.

Our youth have been more than ready to embrace and replace them for their own. Dressing, music, literature and many more dubious ones.

What do we make of our young men dressed with their trousers at ‘half mast’ (half way up their bottoms) exposing God – Knows – What!

What about scores of pornographic literature that have littered our streets and the dark recesses of our own homes. And the countless numbers of pornographic sites on the internet available on the screen at the click of the mouse.

Where are we headed if these things are not food for thought to us? What will come of us if we let westernization creep onto us and change what we know to be true?

A great number of people will continually be decimated by this formidable scourge if we fail to take up the right arms against it.

Being Ignorant people, people who are not ready to change, means we have relinquished our future to what it holds without our ever changing it. It’s a dangerous position.

Lord Budha said : A heart that follows the path of ignorance does infinitely greater harm to man than his most hateful and vicious enemy.

Let us join our hands in a tight grip leaving no space between us and face our common enemy: Aids. Let’s stand on the rooftops and shout out loud against everything that propagates the scourge.

No form of ignorance should be allowed between us and our enemy. Otherwise this would mar our vision, block our arrows and ground every effort towards attaining our goal.

One Laurence J. Peter said: Ignorance once dispelled is difficult to re-establish.
The day we can say this in all honesty we will have made one step forward.

And that’s the bottom line.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Africa open your eyes to how you deal with Aids, or else...

Our society is afflicted with the scourge of Aids and other diseases that owe their origin to promiscuity. Yet the cry is not, “How can we stop promiscuity?” but rather, “How can we cure Aids?”

Aids is a disease that has basically ravaged the society to the very core of the family. Many a family has been brought to their wits end by the crippling effects of this formidable scourge.

With fathers and mothers succumbing to Aids,thousands of children are left parentless.It is estimated that there will be 54 million Aids orphans in Africa by 2010.

As if the pain of being left parentless is not enough, the children are faced with the stark reality of survival— fending for themselves!

A large percentage of them drop out of school and resort to menial jobs to assuage their economic misery. What is more, some girls plunge headlong into the dizzying world of unexpurgated prostitution ending up with the dreaded HIV virus.

Many new cases of HIV infections and Aids deaths are reported daily. With overawed emotion, thousands watch as their beloved die in pain and anguish.

In Africa it is estimated that there are 30 million people living with the virus. This fact clearly traverses the lengths of all imaginable reality.It flies in the face of all the Aids awareness programs that have been mooted and undertaken.

If anything , the pessimistic statistics on Aids are unnerving.Nothing less than this.
Take for instance the recent Aids data in Malawi.It is said that seventy percent of its workforce is infected with the deadly virus.

And without batting an eye , seventy thousand teachers die of Aids yearly in the same country. In Zimbabwe one person in five is infected with the dreaded disease. Similarly in many third world countries such is the tune and song.

Looking at the society one would not fail to see where we have compromised our ideals at the expense of precious lives.

Many Aids awareness campaigns and strategies are put in place but the stark truth is growing dimmer and darker by the day. But instead of trying to patch up our tattered morality, the hue and cry is about getting a cure for Aids.

Nowadays we hear of ‘free love’ and the resulting children as ‘love children’.Sexual experimentation is only wrong today if people do not ‘love’ one another.We hear so often , ‘We love each other , don’t we? That’s all that matters.’

Many people engage in such a liaison with impunity and of such there’s been an alarming spate.

Who can deny that many sexually transmitted diseases, Aids included, arise from this profligate indiscretion? Who can deny that behaviour of this nature is rife in this present day and age?

We also hear of ‘nyumba ndogo’[a man’s mistress] in Tanzania. This is so common place that even the young know what it entails when you talk of it.
Most men go to these mistresses for sexual release which , as many are heard saying ,they don’t get from their wives.

One would rightly expect that with the ever rising rate of Aids infections , the case of ‘mistresses’ would be ‘burnt to a frazzle’. But this is not the case.
Aids, which is no respecter of persons, uses this open door [one of the many doors] to wreck havoc on people’s lives. Infact it would be preposterous for anyone to think that he can hold hot coal to his bosom and not be burnt.

Besides,disorderly houses[brothels] are a common sight in many cities.Here women can be hired for sexual pleasure.
Women of different sizes and ages driven by their different problems parade themselves to attract the ogling eye of many a prurient man for a quickie before he heads home.

Women do it for money ; men do it to satiate their insatiable appetites[or so it is said].
What do they end up with most of the time? Aids. Even if they use a sheath [condom] it goes wrong sometimes.

Furthermore, there is a sad ring to the whole shooting match. The practice of prostitution goes well below the norms of society.

This is gross moral turpitude!

Sadly enough, countless numbers of girls of school going age are hooked in this inglorious vice. And countless numbers of these girls are dying of Aids each passing day.

Lives that have not been lived to the full are suddenly nipped in the bud. All their aspirations and ambitions go up in smoke.
Aids denies them the chance ‘to make a dent in the universe’.

To add more doom and gloom to this already dark picture, we hear of teachers who have sexual relations with their students.This clearly flies in the face of the teaching profession conduct and ethics.

This behaviour is diabolical and socially unacceptable. Moreover, it doesn’t help check the spread of HIV Aids but rather propagates the scourge.

Randy teachers who instigate such liaisons leave indelible marks in the lives of their mates –the young students.These may be pregnancy, Stds or even worse, Aids.
In view of these many doorways to Aids and more yet, we need to redress how we approach the fight against this pandemic.

Fighting against Aids is not an end in itself .We must fight the core: promiscuity. Please don’t get me wrong. Trying to get the cure and anti-retrovirals is not wasted energy. Not in a million years.

But after all illusions of the truth are driven away and the truth is left shining bright, the snag still remains :does it really make sense to get anti-retrovirals for a few[because too expensive] while tens of thousands are infected daily?

People need to be hit where it matters –stop your immorality! -if any realistic end is to be realised.From there work our way up the ranks of prevention and…..cure. If the cents are taken care of, the shillings will definitely take care of themselves.

Promiscuity and immorality have to be taken for what they are; evil, unacceptable and deterrent in the fight against Aids. Period.

To sum up, can we expect to extricate ourselves from this menace if promiscuity and immorality are still a principal part of our moral fabric? If we do, then it’s like expecting a snow ball to survive in hell.

Monday, May 29, 2006

The dawning of a new day

Africa,Sleepy giant,
You've been resting awhile.
Now I see the thunder,
And the lightning,
In yor smile.
Now I see the storm clouds,
In yor waking eyes:
The thunder,
The wonder,
And the new surprise.
Your every step reveals,
The new stride,
In your thighs.

These are the very eloquent words of the master poet, Langston Hughes.
The words there-in hold true to us today. With the fall of every word the walls in the room reverberate and the din rises to fever-pitch crescendo.

Africa, we've been somnolent and sleepy for far too long. We've been reluctant to rise above our lot.
We've been known as non-starters and non-proactive. The world has always seen Africa as a continent replete with problems: all manner of ills and inefficiency to boot!
Political turbulence; ethnic clashes; economic instabilities; famine and drought - and a host many more!

Africans, it's time to kick all these out and turn over a new leaf. Let's put the red herrings aside and pursue matters of import. Matters that will help us rise out of the miry bog of complacency and compromise.
We've the potential to change our 'countenance' in the public eye nationally and internationally.
We've just to set the records straight and do what we must: institute mechanisms to put things in proper perspective.
We don't have to swallow notions and ideas pushed down our throats about the incapacities in Africa.

There's still a chink in the wall.
Where there's a will there's a way.
We must endeavour to rise above our condemning environment and embrace the dawning of a new day.
Africa this is our time. Climb up that mountain. GO FOR IT!!

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